Tuesday, 28 June 2011


1 comment:

Brenda Nglazi Zulu said...

CALLING all ZAMBIAN BLOGGERS to a meeting at Cairo Mall at 16hrs on JULY 29,2011 at Food fayer. Agenda includes setting up of network of bloggers, mapping Zambian Bloggers and also identify bloggers skills for a content management and capacity building project.

Please reply on my facebook account http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2296780816405&id=1155636531&notif_t=feed_comment and to my mail brendazulu2002@gmail.com indicating your blog account details.

Also add me as a friend on facebook Brenda Nglazi Zulu and make your contribution as in your blog address and confirm availability of being at the meeting this Friday at 16 hours.

Call me at +260 977 891431